Your Online Front Desk
Reclaim your time from the minutiae of maintaining your online presence, without leaving your customers waiting for a response.
Front Desk is a new service package built to support small businesses and entrepreneurs by handling the day to day work of managing social and digital media accounts. By incorporating the Meta Business Suite and Google Business Profiles, Front Desk keeps your business in front of potential customers while engaging with questions and responding to reviews.
Front Desk's services are provided entirely by real people, meaning your customers will never be stuck trying to talk around a chat-bot.
What's Included?
Built around the Meta Business Suite and Google Business Profiles, Front Desk includes:
Meta Business Suite
Services Include:
Posting to linked Meta business accounts
Up to 4 posts per week
Updates + maintenance for linked accounts, including:
Updates and notices for modified hours
Updates to contact and business location info
Notification management, including:
Comment response management
Message response management
Review response management
Graphic design support for linked accounts, including:
Asset design for post materials
Profile and cover photo design
Regular monthly cost: $300
Front Desk monthly cost: $180
Google Business Profile
Services Include:
Profile updates and maintenance, including:
Updates and notices for modified hours
Updates to contact and business location info
Notification management, including:
Review response management
Regular monthly cost: $80
Front Desk monthly cost: $48
Total regular cost: $380
Front Desk cost: $228
A 40% monthly discount